Section: Software


Participants : Mohamed El Bouajaji, Stéphane Lanteri [correspondant] .

MAXW-DGFD is a software suite for the simulation of time harmonic electromagnetic wave propagation. It implements a solution method for the Maxwell equations in the frequency domain. MAXW-DGFD is based on a discontinuous Galerkin method formulated on unstructured triangular (2D case) or tetrahedral (3D case) meshes. Within each element of the mesh, the components of the electromagnetic field are approximated by a arbitrary high order nodal polynomial interpolation method. The resolution of the sparse, complex coefficients, linear systems resulting from the discontinuous Galerkin formulation is performed by a hybrid iterative/direct solver whose design is based on domain decomposition principles. The software and the underlying algorithms are adapted to distributed memory parallel computing platforms thanks to a parallelization strategy that combines a partitioning of the computational domain with message passing programming using the MPI standard. Some recent achievements have been the implementation of non-uniform order DG method in the 2D case [17] and of a new hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) formulation also in the 2D case [33] .

  • AMS: AMS 35L50, AMS 35Q60, AMS 35Q61, AMS 65N08, AMS 65N30, AMS 65M60

  • Keywords: Computational electromagnetics, Maxwell equations, discontinuous Galerkin, tetrahedral mesh.

  • OS/Middelware: Linux

  • Required library or software: MPI (Message Passing Interface)

  • Programming language: Fortran 77/95